● 售價: 每支2800元(未含工資)
● Roll size: 53cm*1000cm(=1.5坪)
● 庫存: 期貨
● 相簿分類:兒童壁紙 > [法國壁紙]MISS ZOÉ

在Yahoo拍賣或露天拍賣 搜尋"MIS"即可找到此系列壁紙

Just for girls

For this collection dedicated to little girls aged 5-12, the Caselio designers let their imaginations run wild. All too happy to revisit their childhoods, they have invented whimsical little worlds where today’s little princesses can grow up happily.

This mischievous and impish yet gentle collection mixes childhood classics with more contemporary themes. Liberty goes hand in hand with the latest patterns and multicoloured hearts cover the walls and the bed in a delightful patchwork of colours and materials that inspires creativity and adventure. 

This collection is also full of design ideas that are simply desperate to flourish in your hands. In need of inspiration? Our designers suggest some delightfully offbeat creations to try yourself. And if that’s not enough, ask your little one, her head is sure to be bursting with fun ideas!

Like a playground fizzing with ideas, this imaginative collection has everything you need for playing, dreaming, and getting into mischief. Put simply: growing up!


So Girly 可愛英文字母(3色)

Ballerina 折光芭蕾舞者(3色)

Magic 可愛小花貓(3色)


Frise Magic 緞帶可愛貓咪寬版腰帶(3色)

Glamour 粉嫩菱格紋(3色)


Eva 可愛圓點花朵(2色)

Frise Eva 可愛圓點花朵寬版腰帶(2色)

Lovely 可愛小花朵(3色)

Tender 可愛愛心(3色) 

Trendy 可愛小碎花(3色)


Lolita 粉紅小黑點點


Rayure 直條紋(3色)


 (02)2303-2493 0932-006959







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